Frequently Asked Questions


  • Please note: Orders CANNOT be changed, modified, or canceled after checkout!
  • If you are purchasing a sale item all sales are FINAL SALE and cannot be returned back to us.
  • If you have questions regarding our items prior to placing your order, or are having technical issues with ordering, call us at 812-557-4653 for assistance!

Do You Have Gift Cards?

  • Of course we do! Shop our gift card options here. We have physical gift cards available for purchase in store. If you choose to purchase a gift card online, you will be emailed the gift card code.
  • Just remember, gift cards are non-refundable and never expire.


Do You Have A Physical Store?

  • You can shop with Dress&Dwell online 24/7. Our New Albany store is located at 138 E. Spring St. New Albany, IN 47150


Can I Place An Order By Phone?

  • You can place an order by phone when you call one of our Dolls at 812-557-4653 during normal business hours.Please have the product name(s) you’re interested in ready before you give us a call.

Can I Return Something I Bought Online In store?

  • Yes! You can bring anything into the store to return it, but you will only be given in store credit.


Gift Cards

  • Our gift cards and nonrefundable or exchangeable, but they never expire.

    Earn points for every dollar spent in store or online

    The more you spend, the more you save!
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